Our Team
If you feel were a good fit and you’re happy to make that next step and invest in yourself Click the link below and we’ll be in-touch to start you on the right path to feel and look your very best
Our Team
I’m the proud owner of our studio for over 7 yrs now and I still get goosebumps when I walk through the door!
I qualified as a fitness instructor 20 years ago and haven’t looked back.
I’m a married Mam of 3 kiddies under three so I can totally relate to you and I know how hard it can be to juggle things in life but it can easily be done with the right people behind you.
I've worked with 100s of clients over the years to help them reach their potential with basic nutrition & strength training. There is nothing you can throw at me that I haven’t come across and that can’t be worked out with a bit of friendly coaching and guidance.
Some of my greatest sporting achievements over the years apart from Gaelic football, camogie, basketball & soccer.. I ran the Dublin Marathon & competed in 2 body building competitions which required a LOT of training and dedication but was so well worth it.
ladies pre, during & post pregnancy.
Fat & weight loss program designs
Fat & weight loss nutrition
I design fitness programs for fitness tests for :
An Garda Síochána, The Fire Service & The Prision Service.
Diploma in personal Training
Diploma in Strength & conditioning
Cert in step aerobics
Cert in nutrition
Cert in Pre & Post Pregnancy
Cert in gaelic football coaching
With extensive knowledge in health & nutrition, Dean believes in taking a health first approach when working with clients.
He has a long sporting background having competed in various sports including Boxing, Kick-boxing, MMA, Jui-jitsu & Football.
Dean is not only someone who knows but someone who also practices what he teaches through the way he lives. Deans commitment to helping his clients is unquestionable as he continues to learn and do all he can to help each individual client reach their goals and targets.
Functional health & nutrition
Nutrition for fat loss
Fat loss program design
Gut & hormonal health
Diploma in Personal Training and S & C (Setanta College)
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach
CHEK Integrated Movement Specialist
Functional Health and Nutrition (IOH)
The Art Of Gen Pop Transformations (CHFI)
Modified Strongman Certification (Eon Lacey)
Fat loss program design (KILO Strength)
If you feel were a good fit and you’re happy to make that next step and invest in yourself Click the link below and we’ll be in-touch to start you on the right path to feel and look your very best
EFH Team
—Mary K